Hydra Facial

Hydra Facial is a revolutionary break through in the field of facial treatments. Using the patented Vortex Fusion technology, Hydra Facial is able to perform deep cleansing and non-invasive delivery of therapeutics and micronutrients to the skin, whilst concurrently achieving gentle exfoliation without the application of manual suction. Hydra Facial is often referred to as the only “medical grade” facial in the market.

The combination of deep hydration, delivery of micronutrients, exfoliation of dead cells results in the growth of new skin, with consequent improvement in glow, complexion, hydration, reduction in oil production and pore size, improvement in pigmentation and even reduction in fine lines.

Depending on the boosters applied, different therapeutics and micronutrients can be delivered to the skin, achieving different results depending on individualized needs.

At Yesskin Medispa, we only use the authentic and original Hydra Facial device with authentic and original Hydra Facial serums and boosters for our facial treatments. True Hydra Facial comes at a premium, be it the device or the consumables, and at Yesskin Medispa we are only interested in delivering the best and safest results possible to our clients.