Bojin Facial

Bojin (拨筋) facial is an ancient, traditional Chinese facial therapy passed down through the generations. Originating from the era of the Three Kingdoms (三国时代) (220 to 280AD), Bojin (拨筋) facial is a form of facial deep tissue treatment focusing on acupressure point (穴位) and meridian lines (经络) stimulation and release, assisted by a Bojin (拨筋) rod.

The intended effects of Bojin (拨筋) facial are plentiful. The fundamental principle is to improve the flow of Qi (气) not just in the face and head, but also in the body. Lymphatic drainage of the face, head and neck region will improve. With the detoxification that occurs, the natural process of healing and revitalization of the face, head and neck will also occur, resulting in a natural and more youthful appearance. Dark eye circles and eyebags can be improved with Bojin (拨筋) facial, as well as sagging skin and facial laxity.

Bojin (拨筋) facial typically does not cause bruising of the face, unlike Guasha (刮痧) facial, and is not associated with any downtime.